The Parables of Jesus
in the Gospel of Luke (3)
Share an experience of you persistently asking someone for something. Why did you do so, and did you get what you wanted?
Focus: The Lord says that if we, being evil, know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more shall the Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him? This implies that the one gift that is truly good is the Holy Spirit. May we be those who persistently ask our God the Father to give us the Holy Spirit!
A. Read Luke 11:5-13 twice.
In these two stories there is an asker and one who is asked.
1st Story:
– The asker is the friend
– The one being asked is the house owner
2nd Story:
– The asker is the son
– The one being asked is the father
1. Can you retell the two stories in your own words? Please explain who the asker and the one being asked represent.
2. As a fun exercise, feel free to find verses that prove this kind of relationship between us and God.
***Answer Key***
1. Friend & son are us; house owner and father are God.
2. Verse examples: friend—James 2:23, John 15:12; house owner—Haggai 1:2; son—Rom. 8:14; father—John 20:17, 1 Cor. 8:6).
B. Memorize Luke 11:13 starting at “how much more…” and recite it to one another.
C. Read the following excerpt.
A. What does it mean to seek the life supply in our prayer?
B. Have you ever prayed to the Lord to ask for more of the Holy Spirit for yourself or for someone else? Please share your experience.
C. How do you gain more of the Holy Spirit?