The Parables of Jesus
in the Gospel of Luke (2)
Reminder from last week: A parable is a narrative or story conveying a spiritual or moral principle. The meaning of a parable is often not explicitly stated, but it is also not usually intended to be secret or hidden either. It is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.
I. The Good Samaritan: Have you heard this phrase before? What do you think it means?
II. Read Luke 10:25-37 and focus on verses 30-35. Can someone summarize the parable?
III. Deeper Dive:
Focus: In order for us to “go…and do likewise” (Luke 10:37), we first must experience the healing of the true Good Samaritan, Jesus. To “love our neighbor” isn’t firstly to do something for the Lord as a lawful duty. Actually, first we need to be loved by our neighbor Christ.
1. A certain man, falling from a city of peace (Jerusalem) to a city of curse (Jericho), was robbed, beaten, and left half dead, signifying the dead condition we are in under the killing of the law (Rom. 7:9-10). Neither a priest nor a Levite, men who represented the religion of the time, were able to help the man. Describe what it means to be under the “beating” of the law and that religion is unable to heal you.
2. Samaritans were lowly, despised people, slandered by the Jews—just like Jesus (who was called a Samaritan by the Pharisees—John 8:48). However, He is the only One full of mercy and compassion for us sinners in our dying condition. He binds up our wounds, pours on them oil and wine (signifying the Holy Spirit and divine life), brings us to the inn (the church), and promises to return (Jesus’ second coming—Rev. 22:20). How has the Lord healed you? How does this parables’ significance relate to your experience?
IV. Apply: How do we love our neighbor? Consider 1 John 4:19.