Philippians: Magnifying Christ

Magnifying Christ
Philippians 1:12-30


Share one highlight of your spring break!


Focus: In the eyes of the world, Christ appears to be nothing. Therefore, we must magnify Him through our living, that is, make Him great in the eyes of others by expressing Him in our daily lives.

Read Philippians 1:12-30. Read the passage again, but this time focus on the word “magnified” in verse 20.

1. The word magnify means to make something appear large. Since Christ is already universally great, how could Christ be magnified in Paul’s body? After your discussion, read the following excerpt.

2. Throughout the course of Paul’s imprisonment, many prison guards and their families were saved. Paul surely spoke the gospel to them, but he also wrote about two ways we can back up our preaching of the gospel. What are they? See verses 21 and 27.

3. How can we magnify Christ? Consider the phrase “the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ” in verse 19. How are magnifying Christ and living Christ different from merely imitating Christ?

Memorize and pray over Philippians 1:20, then recite it to one another:
According to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I will be put to shame, but with all boldness, as always, even now Christ will be magnified in my body, whether through life or through death.


1. Share about someone who magnifies Christ to you in their living and how that has impacted you. Have you ever magnified the Lord to someone who did not know or care about the Lord?

2. Has anything happened in your life recently resulting in “the advancement of the gospel” among your family or friends?

3. Is there someone that you would like to know Christ? If so, let’s pray for them.